The Mindfulness Newsletter
- 528K Newsletter Subscribers
- 39% Average Open Rate
- 1.5%+ CTR
After launching in 2010, the Mindfulness app grew into one of the largest brands across the internet and on mobile. It has become the go-to place for customers looking to improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing through the power of mindfulness.
With their daily newsletter to Mindfulness readers, the publisher aims to deliver high quality content to help readers improve all aspects of their life, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.
The primary audience is working adults aged 25-55 across the Nordic regions, the UK and US.) icon-audience
148K Subs in Nordic regions, 93K US Subscribers, 50K UK subscribers.
Past Sponsors
Bombas Socks and BetterHelp.
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Available Channels
Contact for pricingDaily Newsletter - PrimarySent Monday through Sunday