The Daily Upside

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  • 850K Newsletter Subscribers
  • 50% Avg. Open Rate
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Created by a former Wall Street exec (Patrick Trousdale), The Daily Upside is an email newsletter sharing the best and most engaging stories in business. This 5-minute morning read is designed to keep the reader ahead of current trends and developments for all things finance, tech, and business.

  • Audience

    A community of entrepreneurs and executives in the finance, tech, marketing, & sales industries who are keen on staying current on all things business.

  • Demographics

    45% of readers are between 25 and 44 years old. 75% male & 25% female. 28% identify as entrepreneurs.

  • Location

    95% US-based.

  • Past Sponsors

    Calendly, 1Password, Blockchain

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The Daily Upside email newsletter is sent to subscribers every morning.

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    Newsletter Sponsorship
    Sent Monday - Friday