Nice News

News, but only the good stuff.
  • 839K Newsletter Subscribers
  • 57% Unique Open Rate
  • 82% Readers are more likely to purchase a product because they see it in Nice News.


Nice News uncovers inspiring stories that are often overshadowed by other major headlines – things like scientific discoveries, environmental advancements, and everyday people creating change to better our world. Through these stories, Nice News aims to allow readers to view the world through a more optimistic lens.
  • Demographics

    68% female, 32% male and average age of 35 years old.

  • Audience

    59% Household Income $100K+, 37% hold a Graduate or Professional Degree.

  • Location

    95% US-based.

  • Past Sponsors

    Babbel, Nike, Pendulum, Vint.

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    Sent Monday through Sunday
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