Premier Partner

Mozilla Developer Network

Resources for developers, by developers.
  • 17.5M Unique Monthly Users
  • 65K Articles Total
  • 450K Pages of Free, Open-Sourced Content


The Mozilla Developer Network's mission is to provide a blueprint for a better internet, while empowering developers and content creators to build it.
  • Audience

    MDN connects millions of developers more seamlessly with the tools and information they need to easily build projects on the open Web.

  • Demographics

    74% of MDN's readership are experienced web developers, 60% are full stack developers (front and back-end), and 26% are junior developers.

  • Location

    15% US-based & 27% EU.

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  • $18,750
    Homepage Takeover
    1940x500 ATF Takeover + 1456x180 Banner
  • $3.50 CPM
    Sidebar Ad Unit
    New format launched in July 2024!
  • $4 CPM
    Top Bar Ad Unit
    50 × 50 image + 125 characters of text + CTA

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  • $10,000
    Sponsored Content
    Blog post written in partnership with MDN editorial team.