Building the next generation of mobile developers.
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Kodeco is an online learning platform dedicated to helping mobile app developers at every stage of their careers.
Founded as raywenderlich.com, their products have helped thousands of developers worldwide in achieving their goals, whether it be landing their first job, growing their careers as part of a dev team, or building their dream app.
Kodeco Inc.'s audience is a group of developers and professionals who are passionate about staying up to-date on the latest trends in the development field.
88% male.
13% US-based.
Past Sponsors
Memberful, Snyk, Intelligent Demand.
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Newsletter delivering weekly updates specific to mobile developers.
Contact for pricingKodeco NewsletterWeekly on Mondays
Bi-weekly podcast discussing every aspect of app development with well-known peers from the iOS and Android development community.
Contact for pricingKodeco PodcastPublished bi-weekly