
Resources and information for creative minds.
  • 1M Monthly Impressions
  • 17K Newsletter Subscribers
  • 180K Twitter Followers


Codrops is an online space where web designers and developers find creative inspiration. 

  • Audience

    45% of readers are front-end developers and 28% are full-stack developers.

  • Demographics

    68% male & 32% female.

  • Location

    US (20%+), India, UK, Germany, and France.

  • Past Sponsors

    Mailchimp, IONOS, Cloudinary.

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  • $3,000 / month
    Premium Sidebar Sponsorship


A newsletter sponsorship with premium placement in the top row alongside the latest news and resources in the design and development community.

  • $850
    Codrops Collective Newsletter Full Takeover
    Published Mondays & Thursdays

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    Codrops Sponsored Post
    Feature developer-centric services via featured custom articles, demos and more.