
Fantasy Sports, for Reality TV.
  • 500K+ Unique Users
  • 50% Open Rate
  • 22% CTR


Established in 2016, Bracketology is the first centralized fantasy gaming platform for reality television. After getting started with leagues dedicated to The Bachelor & The Bachelorette, Bracketology is expanding into the reality TV ecosystem to include hit shows like Big Brother, Survivor, and The Voice.

  • Audience

    Fandom community of the most iconic reality franchise from the casual viewer to the diehard devotee.

  • Demographics

    70% of readers are between 18 and 34 years old.

  • Location

    98% US and Canada based.

  • Past Sponsors

    L'Oreal, Rent the Runway, SiriusXM

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Available Channels


Email sponsorships that reach users every week as they finalize their fantasy picks.

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    Rose Rundown Email Package
    2-email sponsorship


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    In-App Display