Better Report

Elevate your everyday.
  • 720K Total Newsletter Subscribers
  • 58% Average Open Rate
  • 3.7M Monthly Web Sessions


The Better Report newsletter is predominantly female, affluent, with readers predominantly between the ages of 35-55. Established in 2023 with a mission to simplify life, Better Report offers practical tips and tricks in three key content areas: home, health, and wealth

  • Demographics

    56% female and 44% male

  • Audience

    37%+ HHI above $100K.

  • Interests

    Health and nutrition, home and life hacks, wealth and money management.

  • Past Sponsors

    AG1, Nerdwallet, Babbel, Noom, Merry People.

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    Co-Branded Article
    Reach Optimism's highly engaged audiences with a piece of unique, co-branded content.


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    Daily Newsletter
    Primary and secondary ad units available.
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    Dedicated Email
    Crafted along with the publisher's editorial team.


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    Sponsor An Article
    Brand sponsorship of a pre-planned editorial content piece.